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Scientific papers

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Behrens A., Schaeffer P., Bernasconi S. and Albrecht P. (2000): 7,11-cyclobotryococca-5,12,26-triene, a novel botryococcene-related hydrocarbon occurring in natural environments. Org. Lett. 2: 1271-4.

Lehmann C., Bachofen R. (1999) Images of concentrations of dissolved sulphide in the sediment of a lake and implications for internal sulphur cycling. Sedimentol. 46: 537-545.

Tonolla M., Demarta A., Peduzzi R., Hahn D. (1999). In situ analysis of phototrophic sulfur bacteria in the chemocline of meromictic Lake Cadagno (Switzerland). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65: 1325-1330.

Stettler R., Bosshard P., Bachofen R. (1999). Das Ausmass der bakteriellen Vielfat - oder wieviele Bakterien leben in Tessiner Bergseen. Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali 87 (1-2): 67-69

Bachofen R., Schenk A. (1998). Quorum sensing autoinducers: do they play a role in natural microbial habitats? Microbiol. Res. 153: 61-63.

Bensadoun J.-C., Tonolla M., Demarta A., Barja F., Peduzzi R. (1998). Vertical distribution and microscopic characterization of a non-cultivable micro-organism (morphotype R) of Lake Cadagno. In: Peduzzi, R., Bachofen R. and Tonolla M. (eds) Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 45-51.

Bertoni R., Callieri C., Pugnetti A. (1998). Dinamica del carbonio organico nel Lago di Cadagno e attività microbiche nel mixolimnio. In: Peduzzi, R., Bachofen R. and Tonolla M. (eds) Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 11-17.

Demarta, A., Tonolla M,Caminada A.P., Ruggeri N., Peduzzi R. (1998). Phylogenetic diversity of the bacterial community from the anoxic layer of the meromictic Lake Cadagno. In: Peduzzi, R., R. Bachofen, and. M. Tonolla (eds) 1998. Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 19-30.

Egli K., Wiggli M., Klug J., Bachofen R. (1998). Spatial and temporal dynamics of the cell density in a plume of phototrophic microorganisms in their natural environment. In: Peduzzi R., Bachofen R. and. Tonolla M. (eds) Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 11-17.

Lehmann C., Lühty L., Bachofen R. (1998). Tools for the evaluation of sources and sinks of sulfide in Lake Cadagno. In: Peduzzi, R., R. Bachofen, and. M. Tonolla (eds) 1998. Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 11-17.

Pasini P., Schanz F. (1998). Influence of UV-radiation on the primary production of two high mountain lakes in the Piora Region. In: Peduzzi, R., Bachofen R. and Tonolla M. (eds) Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 65-70.

Peduzzi R., Bachofen R., Tonolla M. (1998). Lake Cadagno: a meromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. Ital. Idrobiol. 63.

Peduzzi R., Demarta A., Tonolla M. (1998). The meromictic Lake Cadagno: an overview. In: Peduzzi R., Bachofen R. and. Tonolla M. (eds) Lake Cadagno: a meromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. Ital. Idrobiol. 63: 1-4.

Schanz F., Stalder S. (1998). Phytoplankton summer dynamics and sedimentation in the themally stratified Lake Cadagno. In: Peduzzi, R., Bachofen R. and Tonolla M. (eds) Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 71.76.

Schanz F., Fischer-Romero C., Bachofen R. (1998). Photosynthetic production and photoadaptatin of phototrophic sulfur bacteria in Lake Cadagno (Sdwitzerland). Limnol. Oceanogr. 43:1262-1269.

Tonolla M., Demarta A., Peduzzi R. (1998). The chemistry of lake Cadagno. In: Peduzzi R., Bachofen R. and. Tonolla M. (eds). Lake Cadagno: ameromictic alpine lake. Documenta Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 11-17.

Tonolla M., Demarta A., Hahn D., Peduzzi R. (1998). Microscopic and molecular in situ characterization of bacterial populations in the meromictic Lake Cadagno. Doc. Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 63: 31-44.

Birch L., Hanselmann K. W., Bachofen R. (1996). Heavy metal conservation in Lake Cadagno sediments: historical record of anthropogenic emissions in a meromictic alpine lake. Water Res. 30: 679-687.

Fischer C., Wiggli M., Schanz F., Hanselmann K. W., Bachofen R. (1996). Light environment and synthesis of bacterioclorophyll by populations of Chromatium okenii under natural environmental conditions. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 21: 1-9.

Glöckner F. O., Amann R. I., Alfreider A., Pernthaler J., Psenner R., Trebesius K., Schleifer K.-H. (1996). An optimized in situ hybridization protocol for planktonic bacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 19: 403-406.

Vila X. (1996) Composition and distribution of phototrophic bacterioplancton in the deep communities of several central European lakes: The role of light quality. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 48: 183-196.

Del Don C., Hanselmann K. W., Peduzzi R., Bachofen R. (1994). Biomass composition and methods for the determination of metabolic reserve polymers in phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Aquat. Sci. 56: 1-15.

Joss A., Mez K., Kanel B., Hanselmann K. W., Bachofen R. (1994). Measurement of fluorescence kinetics of phototrophic bacteria in the natural environment. J. Plant Physiol. 144: 333-338.

Schanz F., Friedl C. (1993). Environmental effects on light utilization by phytoplankton in a meromictic alpine lake. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 25: 621-624.

Bachofen R., Israng R., Del Don C., Hanselmann K.,Tonolla M. (1991). Chemo- and phototactic behavior of phototrophic bacteria under natural conditions in lago di Cadagno a meromictic alpine lake (Abstract). VII Intl. Symp. Phototrop. Prokary. p. 158.

Del Don C., Hanselmann K., Bachofen R. (1991). Metabolic responses of Chromatiaceae to diurnal cycles in a natural lake habitat (Abstract). VII Intl. Symp. Phototrop. Prokary. p. 106.

Stapfer A., (1991).  Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen im Val Piora (Tessin) : ein Beitrag zur Klima- und Vegetationsgeschichte der Nacheiszeit. Geographica Helvetica 1991; 4

Eichler B., Pfennig N. (1988). A new purple sulfur bacterium from stratified freshwater lakes, Amoebobacter purpureus sp. nov. Arch. Microbiol. 149: 395-400.

Tonolla M., Del Don C., Boscolo P., Peduzzi, R. (1988). The problem of fish management in an artificially regulated meromictic lake: lake Cadagno (Canton Tessin, Switzerland). Riv. It. Acquacoltura 23: 57-68.

Hanselmann K.H. (1986). Microbially medieted processes in environmental chemistry (lake sediments as model systems). Chimia 40: 146-159.

Züllig H. (1985). Pigmente phototropher Bakterien in Seesedimenten und ihre Bedeutung für die Seeforschung. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Hydrobiol. 47 : 87-126.

Marrer H. (1975). Zur fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung meromiktischer Alpenseen (Lago di Cadagno, Tessin) Schweiz. Z. für Hydrol. 37: 213-219.

A. Brutschy (1931). Die Algenflora des val Piora. Zeitschr. f. Hydrol. 5, 1; 1-120

Borner L. (1928a) Die Bodenfauna des Lago Ritom und seines Deltagebiets vor der Absenkung (1916) I. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Hydrol. IV: 121-162.

Borner L. (1928b). Die Bodenfauna des Lago Ritom und seines Deltagebiets vor der Absenkung (1916) II. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Hydrol. IV: 1-30.

A.A.V.V. (1924). Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen im Pioragebiet. Z. für Hydrol. 2,3; 1-6

Bachmann H. (1924). Der Ritomsee. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Hydrol. II. : 7-28.

Düggeli M. (1924). Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen im Pioragebiet. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen am Ritomsee. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Hydrol. II: 62-205.

Eder-Schweizer J. (1924). Chemische Untersuchungen am Lago Ritom vor und nach der Absenkung. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Hydrol. II: 28-64.

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Centro Biologia Alpina, Piora

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