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1. General data
2. Type of residence
DEPARTURE: The buildings must be clean and empty by 12:00
(If not possible time to respect, please contact the secretary)
17:00 – 09:00 Opening time for the road times from the dam to Cadagno
3. Laboratory use
Laboratory use
On request
The visitors are required to cite the Alpine Biology Centre of Piora in articles and scientific publications produced during their stay and their laboratory research at the Center and to transmit a copy. Thanks.
I have read and accepted general conditions.
Thanks for your request. We will follow as soon as possible.
Based on calendar bookings and cours, needs the CBA secretariat will assign buildings.
FondazioneCentro Biologia Alpina, PioraVia Mirasole 22aCH-6500 BellinzonaE-mail
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